UROC's accomplishments highlighted in external review

As part of the University of Minnesota’s formal review process for academic research centers, UROC underwent its first external program review in November, 2016. The process involved a self-study written by UROC Executive Director Heidi Barajas, as well as interviews, a site visit and a written report with recommendations for growth and improvement by an external program review committee.

The committee was appointed by the University of Minnesota Executive Vice President and Provost Karen Hanson and included: Chanda Smith Baker, CEO, Pillsbury United Communities; Tom Fisher, professor and director of the Metropolitan Design Center, University of Minnesota; Marilyn Higgins, (Retired) vice president for community engagement and economic development, Syracuse University; Beth Tryon, assistant director of Community-Based Learning, Morgridge Center for Public Service, University of Wisconsin – Madison; and Stella Whitney-West, CEO, Northpoint Health & Wellness Center.

In addition to praising UROC leadership for staying true to the center's mission, the report credits UROC staff with "bridging research and engagement in ways that produce high quality scholarship while addressing complex and challenging societal issues" and  "in expanding upon traditional research methodology into models that engage the community as partners.”

Read the UROC External Program Review
Read the UROC self-study
Read the UROC self-study executive summary