Rules of Engagement Podcast

Rules of Engagement is a new podcast showcasing the many diverse projects and partners of the University of Minnesota’s Robert J. Jones Urban Research and Outreach-Engagement Center (UROC). 

Hosted by UROC's Senior Director for Community Partnerships Makeda Zulu, the series explores innovative ways the University is working with its urban partners through UROC to advance learning, improve quality of life, and discover breakthrough solutions to critical problems. 

Tune in to monthly conversations that range from the benefits of urban biking, the dangers of urban food deserts, the need for birth justice, and creative ways of combating diabetes. 

The series was produced and engineered by Blackbird Revolt.

Listen to the latest episode

Episode Eight: Job Creation and Thriving Communities

A UROC signature project, the Northside Job Creation Team—or NJCT—brings together stakeholders from across the Twin Cities with the goal of creating sustainable wage jobs in North Minneapolis. Learn about the scope and impact of the project with Tashitaa Tufaa, CEO, Metropolitan Transportation Network and William English, NJCT Community Director.

Upcoming episodes

  • Episode Nine: Getting to the Roots of Inequity

    University of Minnesota School of Public Health Professor and UROC Affiliated Researcher Rachel Hardeman and Roots Community Birth Center director Rebecca Polston explore the roots of structural racism and its impact on Black birthing people before, during, and after pregnancy.  

  • Episode Ten: The Role of Faith in Healing

    North Minneapolis’s Liberty Community Church has been a steadfast partner of UROC’s for more than a decade. Hear from Liberty Community Church Co-Pastor Alika Galloway about how the Minneapolis faith community is working with the University of Minnesota to help heal historical trauma. 

  • Episode Eleven: Disrupting Sex Trafficking Networks in Minnesota and Beyond

    University of Minnesota School of Nursing Associate Professor and UROC Affiliated Researcher Lauren Martin has received national and international attention for her breakthrough and ongoing research in understanding the market structure behind sex trading and trafficking. 

Podcast Host Makeda Zulu

Makeda Zulu

Podcast Host