Financial Education for Families

University of Minnesota Extension Educator Sharon Powell discusses budgeting with a client at UROC.

In her role as a University of Minnesota Extension Educator with the Family Resiliency Team, Sharon Powell spends a lot of time teaching low-income individuals and families how to build money-management skills and improve their financial situations. She also helps families at all income levels improve their relationships, particularly parents and children.

University of Minnesota Extension Educator Sharon Powell discusses budgeting with a client at UROC.

Meet Marilyn Higgins

Marilyn Higgins
One sunny morning at her home in Syracuse, New York -- about the same time she had decided that retirement was definitely not for her – Marilyn Higgins received a phone call from Andrew Furco, the University of Minnesota’s vice president for public engagement.
Marilyn Higgins

Mural Squad

Mural Squad Image

"Mural Squad" features colorful paintings and photos from a unique youth-police collaboration lead by Franklin Middle School art teacher Melodee Strong. Program participants use their time together to paint and build relationships between youth and law enforcement on the north side of Minneapolis.  The exhibit's opening reception will feature a youth-police panel. 

Reception: 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Youth-Police Panel Discussion: 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Mural Squad Image

UROC's Neighborhood U- free, family events that connect the U to the North Side

Beginning in April 2018, UROC’s Neighborhood U will features family-friendly performances and demonstrations by University of Minnesota researchers on a range of fun and helpful topics. Get a close-up look at planets and stars, learn how a solar car works, try yoga, grow your own food, write a great resume and much more! Visit UROC's Facebook page for performance times and dates.

Development of a Dream

Intersection of Penn and Plymouth Avenues
Once a bustling commercial hub, the area around the intersection of Penn and Plymouth Avenues in North Minneapolis had long been sparsely populated and sorely in need of revitalization. Then, in 2016, a new public-private development partnership set change in motion.
Intersection of Penn and Plymouth Avenues